> 产品中心> DC1650J-MC


东芝压铸机TUE series
  • 兼具高性能与高操作性的新机型
  • 从薄壁产品、形状复杂的复合产品至镁合金产品,不断追求新的铸造领域的机器

  • Both high performance and high maneuverability of the new models.

  • Not to mention thin-walled parts, integrated parts in complex configurations as well as magnesium alloy castings all of which are the targets of this machine that pursues the possibilities for new casting.


l         合模力(Die-locking force)            16500kN

l         模板尺寸(Platen dimensions(VXH))     2260mmx2060mm

l         大柱间隔(Tie bar spacing(VXH))       1500mmx1300mm

l         大柱直径(Tie bar diameter)           280mm

l         模具厚度(Die thickness)              800mm~1700mm

l         模具行程(Die stroke)                 1050mm